
Squidoo : Lenses by kiddisave

Friday 13 July 2012

Smiles all around

Making your little one smile is just about the most enjoyable thing you can do when you have a child. Making them smile, laugh and giggle can brighten your day as well as hers (or his).
Here are a few things you can do to really get your child giggling;
  1. Blow some bubbles! Babies love bubbles, so grab a bottle of bubble soap and blow a few around your child and watch as they laugh and try to catch the bubbles!
  2. Do some painting! A great way to do some finger painting that wont be bad if your child puts their hand in their mouth, is if you mix some food colouring with yoghurt or cream - all the fun and mess of finger paint with a great taste too!
  3. Put on a puppet show! Every parent should be able to put on a few hand puppets or socks and make some funny voices, try doing this with bright and colourful characters.
  4. Go down to your local park. Babies love swings and see-saws, or anything that lets a little wind through their hair. Make sure your baby always knows you're their by smiling and laughing with them so they feel safe and secure, and don't forget to have fun yourself!

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